- RP1Review Meeting held on 16th January 2024 online.
- Progress Meeting held on 23rd May 2023 online hosted by INCAR.
- Progress Meeting held on 29th June 2022 online hosted by INCAR.
- Kick-off Meeting held on 19th October 2021 online hosted by INCAR.
Borgulat J, Ponikiewska K, Jałowiecki Ł, Strugała-Wilczek A, Płaza G.
Energies 2022, 15(12), 4419.
Borrero-López AM, Celzard A, Fierro V.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2022, 10, 16090. (Journal cover).
Wiatowski, K. Kapusta, A. Strugała-Wilczek, K. Stańczyk, A. Castro-Muñiz, F. Suárez-García, J.I. Paredes.
Energies 2023, 16(11), 4455.
Constructed wetland as a green remediation technology for the treatment of wastewater from underground coal gasification.
Jałowiecki Ł, Strugała-Wilczek A, Ponikiewska K, Borgulat J, Płaza G, Stańczyk K.
Aquatic Toxicology 2023 (Under review).
View on structural and functional diversity of post-processing water from underground coal gasification (UCG) process.
Jałowiecki Ł, Strugała-Wilczek A, Ponikiewska K, Borgulat J, Płaza G, Stańczyk K.
Manuscript under preparation.
Characterization of properties and storage stability of wastewater from UCG.
Szul M, Rychlewska K, Wodzisławska-Pasich K, Strugała-Wilczek A.
Manuscript under preparation.
Use of chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation process for purification of wastewater from UCG process.
Szul M, Ostrowski W, Jałowiecki Ł.
Manuscript under preparation.
Oral: Coal tar residues as precursors of hypercrosslinked polymers: using mechanosynthesis as a green synthesis protocol.
Borrero-López AM, Castro-Gutiérrez J, Celzard A, Fierro V.
Grupo Especializado de Polímeros. San Sebastián (Spain), May 2022.
Oral: Hypercrosslinked polymers from the mechanosynthesis of coal tar products.
Borrero-López AM, Castro-Gutiérrez J, Celzard A, Fierro V.
Polymer Networks Group. Rome (Italy), June 2022.
Oral: Mechanosynthesis and biosourced precursors as environmentally friendly strategies to produce hyper-crosslinked polymers.
A.M. Borrero-López, A. Celzard, V. Fierro.
The 9th Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials. Shenzhen (China), September 2022.
Oral (Keynote): Mechanosynthesis: an environmentally friendly strategy to produce hyper-crosslinked polymers from biosourced precursors.
Borrero-López AM, Valencia C, Franco JM, Celzard A, Fierro V.
Materials Science Conference 2023. March 28, 2023. Dubai (UAE).
Open access repository link
Oral: Charakterystyka metagenomu bakteryjnego wód poprocesowych z podziemnego zgazowania węgla (Metagenomic characterization of bacterial community in post-processing water from underground coal gasification process).
Jałowiecki Ł, Borgulat J, Strugała-Wilczek A, Płaza G.
VII Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Mikrobiologiczne “Metagenomy różnych środowisk” (7th National Microbiological Symposium). June 20-21, 2023. Lublin (Poland).
Oral: Wody poprocesowe z podziemnego zgazowania węgla – czy są źródłem bakterii stosowanych w bioagumentacji środowisk zanieczyszczonych związkami fenolowymi.
Jałowiecki Ł, Borgulat J, Glasser M, Strugała-Wilczek A, Płaza G.
VII Ogólnopolski Kongres Inżynierii Środowiska (7th National Congress of Environmental Engineering). September 10-13, 2023. Kazimierz nad Wisłą (Poland).
Poster: Physically activated carbons from hypercrosslinked polymers for wastewater remediation.
González-Martínez S, Castro-Muñiz A, Villanueva-Gutiérrez M, Suárez-García F, Paredes JI.
XVI Spanish Carbon Group Meeting. October 22-25, 2023. Gijón (Spain).
Open access repository link
Poster: Transforming low value coal tar derived products into chemically activated carbons.
Villanueva-Gutiérrez M, Castro-Muñiz A, González-Martínez S, Suárez-García F, Paredes JI.
XVI Spanish Carbon Group Meeting. October 22-25, 2023. Gijón (Spain).
Open access repository link
Poster: Hypercrosslinked aromatic polymers from low-value coal tar products.
Castro-Muñiz A, Villanueva-Gutiérrez M, Suárez-García F, Paredes JI.
XVI Spanish Carbon Group Meeting. October 22-25, 2023. Gijón (Spain).
Open access repository link
February 2023.
Metagenomic sequences from the experiments carried out under WP6 (ENA database number: PRJE60074).
March 2022.
Project overview published in the Spanish Carbon Group Bulletin.